At Great Life Finance we fully understand & appreciate what a stressful time it can be once you have found your dream property and are awaiting approval of unconditional finance. 

It is our job to make this process as quick and stress free as possible, being backed by the Vow financial group and having access to over 40 of Australia’s leading lenders you can rest assured knowing that we have you covered. 

We specialise in securing finance for anyone including:

  • The credit impaired
  • First home buyers
  • The self employed                        

To organise a no obligation meeting and assessment click the link below and one of our friendly staff will be with you within 24 hours guaranteed.


Want to use some of the equity in your home for other investments? unsatisfied with your current rates or looking for better customer service or possibly your needs and circumstances have changed. 

At Great Life Finance  we posses the expertise required to help you get the best loan for your individual situation and make the most out of your property. 

The Major reasons to consider re-financing are:

  • Your lender’s rate isn’t staying competitive with others in the market
  • A major change occurs in your financial situation
  • You are looking for more money to pay for home renovations, a child’s education costs, or invest in another property
  • Switching to a fixed rate at an opportune time
  • You’ve started to see large credit card debts and want to consolidate


Investing in property for the long term where you have a tenant paying a portion of the costs, the taxman allowing legal tax deductions paying some of the costs & you paying the difference is considered good debt.

A mortgage on the other hand is considered bad debt due to the fact that you bear 100% of the costs paid for with after tax dollars. 

To see how our good debt vs bad debt strategies can help you get ahead in the rat race give us a call today


Do you need new equipment for your business? A new car? have you ever looked into leasing versus purchasing outright

At Great Life Finance we have the expertise to discuss the benefits and value of leasing rather than purchasing which also gives you the opportunity to upgrade to the latest technology when the time is right. 

With access to numerousspeciality leasing lenders we can expertly advise and assist in securing your next piece of must have equipment or car.